We aim to be your trusted advisor. With today’s saturated market of tools, technologies, and innovations, it can be difficult to know which option is best for you and your business. We have years of experience and can lend a helping hand. Many companies will try to sell you the same old prepackaged solution when it is often not the right fit. Technologies, just like a good suit, must be tailor-fit to you. This is especially important in the small business world: efficient and cost-effective solutions are king.
Our consulting solution is designed around the idea of being available at a moment’s notice to assist with any number of questions. Got a question? Give us a call. Evaluating a number of competing technologies? We’ll decipher the marketing-lingo for you. Want to grow to three new office buildings? We’ll design the technology for you. Whether you are a sole-proprietor or an enterprise, you’ll receive a named contact who will learn the details of your business and market, and be ready for when you need us. We’ve got your back.
Got servers? We can help. With our staff of trained technicians we have experience managing all common server platforms today. Whether your systems are on-premise, or you own a cloud-hosted system, we’ll take care of all the details for you. Too small for an IT team? We can do that for you. Your IT team too busy? We’ll handle the peak loads for you.
Want to expand and/or add new systems? Let us take care of the details. We have years of experience designing and building both on-premise, hybrid-cloud, and full-cloud systems. Don’t worry about scouring the market for the best-in-breed products at a cost-effective rate- we do that already. Our team is versed on many technologies, and we believe in vendor independence. If you have systems, we can manage them for you.
You simply want a phone that rings. We can make that happen. Phone systems can be incredibly complex, but that doesn’t mean purchasing one should be. You tell us what the phone should do, and we will make it so. Want a solution which allows remote employees? Do you want a pay for what you use plan? Or, do you want a highly available on-premise call center? We’ve got your back.
Stop worrying about the details of a phone system, and just design it as your business needs. We’ll take care of the details in bringing it to life. Our phone systems can be installed on-premise or in the cloud, you can have thousands of phones, or just one.
Want to run an enterprise-class web service, but without the enterprise cost? Through using the power of multiple public cloud vendors, we’ve built a solution just for you. With our team’s experience in managing large server deployments, we can provide you with the solid service you want without the huge overhead of an in-house IT team and expensive server hardware. Our fault-tolerant network can withstand even a total failure of one of our cloud vendors. You let us know the requirements, and we’ll figure out the details.
Looking to run something a bit smaller than enterprise? Simply want a small email server? We do that too! Based upon your requirements we can select the most cost-efficient cloud vendor for your use and configure it for you. We power email systems, DNS servers, Active Directory domains, and even small website hosting areas. Even for the small requests, we have a solution for you. Don’t worry about the technology, you focus on your business, and we’ve got your back.
We are technicians with a goal: simplify technology. With the latest innovations and an extremely crowded market, it can be near impossible to find the right solution for you. That’s where we come in. We are a team of technicians with years of industry experience. Smestad Tech was created to put the power of new innovation in the hands of all: enterprise and small business alike. You focus on your business, and we’ve got your back.
To get the conversation started, please reach out via email: hello@smestad.tech